Monday, July 27, 2009


Brandon and I posted the exact same thing.... wow, next time I'll read before I post! :)

Almost There

I sent out an email on Friday to all the missionaries on our staff. I shared that we were nearing completion on the web sites for each of the missionaries. At this moment, the great news is that we are 99% done. There are a few finishing touches left to do tomorrow and a double check on everything. We'll then move into the process that is GOING LIVE. It will take a few days to accomplish all the necessary steps, but praise the Lord that we are SO close!

Be praying for us this week as the team works hard to make everything happen. Be praying for:

· Nathan Shoultz

· Brandon Collins

· Luke Colburn

· John Yarosh

· Laurie Yarosh

· Wendy Williamson

· Sylvia Eger

· Cathy Krach

· Butch Jarrell

· Amber Boyer

· Elisabeth Daneen

Starting tomorrow we will be putting the finishing touches on the LCM site and all that entails. There's still some money left to be raised toward this project so please continue to pray for the finances and ask God to do a great work.

We’ll keep you informed on when we go live.

John Armstrong
Word of Life Local Church Ministries
The Leader in Principle-Based Youth Ministry

Quick Update as Progress is Made

This is from an email that John Armstrong sent out this evening:

I mentioned to you on Friday, we had started created web sites for each [Area Missionary]. The great news is that we are 99% done. A few finishing touches tomorrow with a double check left to do. So praise the Lord, each [Area Missionary] will have a site and it will be ready when we go live.

Be praying for us this week as the team works hard to make everything happen. Be praying for:

· Nathan Shoultz

· Brandon Collins

· Luke Colburn

· John Yarosh

· Laurie Yarosh

· Wendy Williamson

· Sylvia Eger

· Cathy Krach

· Butch Jarrell

· Amber Boyer

· Elisabeth Daneen

Starting tomorrow we will be putting the finishing touches on the LCM site and all that entails. Let’s also continue to pray for the finances asking God to do a great work there also.

We’ll keep you informed on when we go live.

Monday, July 20, 2009

60 websites and counting

WOW, you haven't heard from us in a while! but that's because we've been feverishly building websites! we didn't even notice when our webcam went down a few days ago. Oh well, no time for fun right now!! We literally are in the throws of building 60 websites. No that's not an exaggeration. We're building sites for Local Church Ministries, Leadership Development(eTransfer), Teens Involved, Superbowl, Storm, Fascar, Green House Project, Mike Calhoun, Web Store, and one site for each of 51 missionaries!! This does not count the websites we've enlisted other help outside the WAR ROOM to create in our ministry wide switch over to this new system. Some of those sites include some General WOL pages, some general International Ministries pages, Reach Out Sites, Nehemiah Network sites, Gospel Productions Sites, and more and more and more!!!! SO, we apologize for not communicating as often as we would like but we are very excited about the progress we're making. We've even got some volunteers from out of town here this week helping with some of the finer points in programming and database management. We'll keep you posted as we move toward our rollout date now only TWO WEEKS AWAY!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Batman and Superman working together

Remember cross-over shows or issues of comics where super-heroes would work together to stop unusually tough bad-guys? That has been the situation here at Word of Life Headquarters over the last two days. Only, this is bigger and better than anything Batman and Superman ever did.

We have had some guys from WMTek (the company that built our new system and is working with us to get it up an running) in Schroon Lake training us and helping us sort through some of the difficulties we've been running into (and some that might come in the future). It's been a very productive time and very encouraging to see their commitment to our success on this front.

One conversation we've been having is about how to help people learn and use this new (incredibly sweet) system. The answer? Use the system itself! The plan is to use the our CMS to build a "help" site for training, ideas, and software fixes. The site will have videos, articles, and walk-throughs and will allow people using the site to ask questions, share ideas, and recomend upgrades.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Live Web Cam

If you're like the rest of America, you're dying to know what goes on inside the WAR Room. In a word: magic. However, we know that a picture is worth 1,000 words and rather than give you a few pictures a day, we've set up an almost-live web-cam feed straight from the WAR Room. Every 10 seconds the feed is updated with live images that are whisked away to your computer screen.

Check out the latest picture in the sidebar. Click on the link above the picture (or click here) to go to a screen that will automatically refresh every time there is a new image to see. We'll rotate the view every few days to focus on different members of the Word of Life web team.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New Superbowl page looking great!

We're on our third day in the WAR Room and we have three quotes on the board (one for each day). We decided we would share with you the wisdom that drives us. So far, here are the quotes:
Day 1: "Get the facts first, then you can distort them as you please." -Mark Twain
Day 2: "The LD-50 (lethal dose) of caffeine is generally 10 grams. That's about 100 cups of strong coffee in rapid succession. Not to worry. Well, er, most of us." -Anonymous
Day 3: "I've got too much blood in my caffeine system." -Anonymous
In other news, I'm posting the first glimpse of what the new Word of Life Superbowl website will look like. Thanks to the genius of John Yarosh for providing this incredible step up from where we used to be on this front. In fact, I'm providing a before and after picture to underline just how far we've come (click each picture for a larger view):